Image from S1E9 - 19m27s

Kanon runs towards Takeshita street. There's a slight incline here in real life, unlike in the show.

Image from S1E9 - 19m28s

Kanon enters Takeshita street. You can see the matching back of the gate.

Image from S1E9 - 19m30s

Kanon continues to run. A Daiso 100 yen store in real life on the left here.

Image from S1E9 - 19m31s

She turns around here. A dog cafe instead of what's shown in the anime as cat.

Image from S1E9 - 19m33s

Reverse view.

Image from S2E8 - 13m36s

Kanon also hangs out with Kinako here.

Image from S2E8 - 13m38s

Eating crepes.

Image from S2E8 - 13m47s

Right next to the Takeshita street gate.

Image from S1E1 - 02m49s

This area of Takeshita strret is shown in several episodes, starting with the first episode of the show.

Image from S1E1 - 22m43s

Kanon sings here at the end of the episode.

Image from S1E1 - 22m47s

The shop in the background is called Body Line and not Yuine in real life.

Image from S1E1 - 23m27s

Another shot of Kanon singing.

Image from S1E2 - 13m00s

In episode 2 of the first season, Sumire is shown here.

Image from S1E2 - 13m03s

Stepping into frame.

Image from S1E2 - 13m06s

Eating a crepe.

Image from S1E3 - 16m36s

She's also shown here in the next episode. For some reason the crepe shop has been replaced with an ice cream shop in the show.

Image from S1E4 - 12m27s

Kanon is stalking Sumire in episode 4. Both the building on the side Kanon is hiding and the other side has been torn down.

Image from S1E4 - 12m31s

Sumire turns around.

Image from S1E4 - 12m33s

And walks back again.

Image from S1E4 - 12m45s

Just some ad posters here now since the building is gone.

Image from S1E4 - 19m30s

Sumire is also walking a bit further down the street later in the same episode.

Image from S1E4 - 19m57s

She stops at this location and starts dancing to a video of Kanon and Keke shown on the screen. This building has never matched what's shown in the anime in real-life.

Image from S1E4 - 20m06s

Sumire gets surprised when Kanon shows up.

Image from S1E4 - 20m19s

And she wants to scout her as a school idol.

Image from S1E4 - 20m31s

Keke and Chisato also shows up. The closest building on the left here has been replaced by a new one, but the red one further back still matches.

Image from S1E4 - 21m31s

Kanon hands Sumire an omamori charm.

Image from S1E4 - 21m44s

The sun suddenly appears.

Image from S1E4 - 21m54s

And bathes the street in sunlight.

Image from S2E12 - 19m45s

The place where Sumire danced to the video is also shown in the last episode of the second season. I've marked a path from were Kanon ran towards Takeshita street to this location in the map below.
Location map:
This location was visited on 2022/10/14.
Special thanks to the ones who went here before:
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