Image from S1E1 - 00m09s

The cental square is located right next to DiverCity Tokyo Plaza.

Image from S1E1 - 01m51s

Yu and Ayumu is sitting on this bench.

Image from S1E1 - 01m54s

Enjoying some sandwiches.

Image from S1E1 - 02m12s

And taking pictures together.

Image from S1E1 - 02m19s

One of the trees in front of the public toilets on the left has been replaced.

Image from S1E1 - 02m24s

Ayumu and Yu wonders about what they should do next...

Image from S1E1 - 02m31s

When they hear something happening...

Image from S1E1 - 03m30s

Over at DiverCity Tokyo Plaza.

Image from S1E1 - 03m31s

And they then decide to go check it out.

Image from S1E1 - 03m36s

Located just outside central square is the Flame of Liberty sculpture which you can see on the right in this shot.

Image from S1E5 - 15m55s

This is another place where Karin and Emma is shown hanging out together.

Image from S1E5 - 15m57s

This seems to be some kind of air vent. I've marked a path from the bench Yu and Ayumu sat on to this air vent in the map below.

Image from S1E11 - 04m54s

Cental square is also shown as one of the places when they're scouting for for a venue for their school idol festival.

Image from S1E11 - 15m36s

And later on they decide to use several venues.

Image from S1E13 - 06m30s

Karin is shown performing at the stage they set up at central square. The building you can see the very top of behind the stage is Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba.

Image from S1E13 - 06m42s

After Karin has performed Emma shows up with a bunch of kids. I wasn't sure about the exact spots of the next couple of shots, but they look similar at least.

Image from S1E13 - 07m05s

The kids are Emmas new friends which she also brings up on stage with her.

Image from S1E13 - 07m37s

Karin watches Emmas performance.

Image from S1E13 - 17m15s

Later on Karin is shown on a screen at the stage here during the speech before the final performance of the festival. If you look carefully you can see DiverCity Tokyo Plaza on the right in the shot.
Location map:
This location was visited on 2022/10/13.
Special thanks to the ones who went here before:
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